Nestled on the top floor of our beautiful boutique is The Piercing Studio. Whether it's your first piercing or a new addition, our experienced piercers will take you through the whole process, from choosing jewellery, to piercing placement and aftercare advice.

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where we pierce

There's so many placements to choose from for such a small body part! Here are the names and areas we can pierce (and yes, we can pierce your nose - just not the septum) to give you an idea of what you'd like. Just remember to keep an open mind, as our piercers will work with your personal anatomy to get the perfect placement.

LOBE - available from age 6+ (parent or legal guardian must be present. See FAQs). Healing time approximately 6 weeks - 4 months

UPPER LOBE/AURICLE - available from age 16+. Healing time approximately 4 - 9 months

HELIX & FLAT HELIX - available from age 16+. Healing time approximately 6 - 18 months

FORWARD HELIX - available from 16+. Healing time approximately 9 - 18 months

CONCH - available from age 16+. Healing time approximately 6 - 12 months

ROOK - available from 16+. Healing time approximately 9 - 18 months

DAITH - available from 16+. Healing time approximately 9 - 18 months

TRAGUS - available from 16+. Healing time approximately 6 - 12 months

NOSTRIL - available from age 16+. Healing time approximately 6 - 9 months

piercing jewellery


If you have any other other questions, please contact us.