
Complaints Policy

Sarah Layton is dedicated to offering the best possible customer service. However, if you are not completely satisfied with the service or products you have received from us, we have a Complaints Policy to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible.


How to make a complaint

Please contact us by email chat@sarahlayton.co.uk or phone 01254 822062, providing details of your complaint and including your receipt or order number.


Responding to complaints

We aim to acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 48 hours and resolve the issues within 30 days. If we are unable to resolve the issue within this timeframe, we will keep you informed of the progress, proposed actions and an expected timeframe for resolution.


Resolution of complaints

We aim to resolve any complaints to your satisfaction within 30 days (unless otherwise stated). If a resolution cannot be reached, you have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman.


Data protection

We process all personal information received as part of a complaint in accordance with our Privacy Policy and relevant data protection legislation.


Vulnerable Customer Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the operations of Sarah Layton do not have any negative impact upon vulnerable customers.

For the purposes of this policy, vulnerable customers are customers and prospective customers whose ability or circumstances require us to take extra precautions in the way that we sell to ensure that they are not disadvantaged in any way.


What is a vulnerable customer?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) defines a vulnerable customer as “someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to detriment, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care.”

The FCA expects firms like ourselves to treat customers fairly when we are dealing with people with vulnerable circumstances.


Vulnerability groups

We recognise that certain groups of customers may be vulnerable. Whilst not all customers in these groups may be vulnerable, we will consider a customer’s individual circumstances where a potential vulnerability is identified. These groups may include, but are not restricted to:


  • Customers with communication difficulties (including learning difficulties and English not being their first language, dyslexia)
  • A customer with a reduction in physical or mental capacity
  • Customer with health issues - illness, whether physical or mental illness, severe or long term
  • A sudden diagnosis of serious illness to the customer or close family member
  • Personal circumstances of the customer – factors such as financial difficulties, bereavement, caring responsibilities or redundancy
  • The customers age, particularly older and younger people. For example, a younger person may be considered inexperienced, and an older person may be less technologically able.



Identifying a vulnerable customer

Typical characteristics could include:


  • An inability to hear or understand what is being said
  • Repeated questions of a similar nature
  • Comments or answers which are inconsistent with the discussion, or which indicate they have not understood the information which has been provided.
  • Verbal confirmation that they don’t understand or that they require the assistance of somebody else in making a decision.


When engaging with customers face to face we can observe the above characteristics, along with others, such as body language and facial expressions, which may identify whether the customer requires additional information and guidance to enable them to make an informed decision.

When assisting customers over the phone it is often difficult to identify a vulnerable customer because it is not possible to see their body language or facial expressions, making the above mentioned characteristics the main trigger for vulnerability identification. For this reason, it is critically important to listen carefully to all customers and to identify people who may be classed as a vulnerable customer.

Our staff are trained to identify vulnerable customers so we can take extra steps to assist outside of our standard procedures. However, it is not always possible to recognise these characteristics. Therefore, if you believe you may fit the criteria for a vulnerable customer, please read this policy and notify us immediately of your particular needs.


Our key principles when engaging with a vulnerable customer

As soon we think we may be engaging with a vulnerable customer, whether this is through our identification or you are approaching us, we will:


  • Immediately make a record of this and ensure we adhere to this policy
  • We speak slowly, clearly and explain fully
  • We are patient and empathise where appropriate
  • Provide additional opportunities for you to ask questions about the information we have provided
  • Continuously seek confirmation that you have understood the information that has been provided
  • Ask if there is anybody with you who is able to assist. If not, and we believe this will be beneficial, we will make arrangements to continue with the subject matter at another time
  • Offer you the opportunity to complete the transaction after a period of further consideration


If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.